On Friday night, October 25, 2019, I was charged with the duty of entertaining two ten year olds and I took them to the McCarthy Monster Mash event. I took note of a Framingham police officer who I recognized by appearance. Who is this officer?

I suppose he was there to observe who comes in but never noticed me coming in with two ten year olds.

I went in with the two boys and found a place to sit. Along comes the police officer to ask me if I had a child with me. I found it strange that he passed about 50 other adult males, but singled me out to ask that question. He clearly knew who I was and he targeted me, using the color of law to harass police critics. I guess he is a representation of your practices and policies. Another negative experience with your thugs. Thanks! For the record, this is my third encounter with him.

I do have some requests for you on this matter.

  1. Who is this officer?
  2. Was the police officer requested by the PTO or the school (Cynthia Page), or is this another duty the Framingham police takes onto itself for gainful employment, like traffic light button pusher, crossing guards or reading to second graders?

  3. Does this constitute paid detail work?

  4. If so, what is the hourly rate and who pays it.

  5. Does the police union contract still specify a minimum of four hours?

On a side note, there was a call from McCarthy at 20:15, Three officers responded. Any relationship to me?


On October 26, at 0830, I experienced my first Coffee with the Mayor. I told her my view of her attempt to peddle her religion in the public square. I was amused to find that she has these coffees with police protection. Officer Keith Strange (I believe) was nicely dressed in a suit but I'm sure he was packing heat. He stood about 5 feet from me while I spoke to our mayor. I could almosty feel his breath.

  1. Is there any particular reason that he was not in a police uniform?

  2. Does this constitute paid detail or gratuitous work by FPD?

On a side note, the good mayor stated that she would be pushing her worthless religion in the public square. She intends to exercise her constitutional rights to be stupid.

On November 4, 2019, around 0830 at Stop&Shop by BJ's, a young police officer parks conveniently in a fire lane, right next to the entrance, to do some food shopping. Cruiser license plate C491

Click to expand image

He went thru the express do it yourself registers with one grocery bag.

  1. What is the officer's name and badge number?
  2. If he was called in for some reason, what was the reason and who called?

    I would like to request a copy of the 911 call.

On November 18, 2019, around 0800 at Stop&Shop by BJ's, a young police officer parks conveniently in a fire lane, right next to the entrance, to do some food shopping. Cruiser license plate C491 again

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He went thru the express lane 8 do it yourself register with one grocery bag.

  1. What is the officer's name and badge number?
  2. If he was called in for some reason, what was the reason and who called?

    I would like to request a copy of the 911 call.

On November 26, 2019, around 0800 at Stop&Shop by BJ's, a young police officer parks conveniently in a fire lane, right next to the entrance, to do some food shopping. Cruiser license plate C491 again

Click to expand image

Regretably, no express line was open so he went thru a cashier line with one grocery bag. I did talk to him and told him not to do this again. His response was "See if we come when you call 911!". There's nothing like politicizing police work.

  1. What is the officer's name and badge number?
  2. If he was called in for some reason, what was the reason and who called?

    I would like to request a copy of the 911 call.

On a side note, events in the police logs have different times except those Compliance Checks which all seem to come in with the same hourly time stamp.

This might lead some cynical eyes to believe that these lines are plugged in the police logs to provide an appearance of something having been done.

As an example, examine:


Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com