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Rachel Jeantel Explains The Difference Between 'N*gga' And 'N*gger' To Piers Morgan

According to this interview between Rachel Jeantel and Piers Morgan, it appears that the word nigga (spelled "n i g g a") isn't a negative racist term (like the word spelled "n i g g e r"). It doesn't mean a "black male" as Morgan assumed, she said, but rather any kind of man, including "Chinese' for example.

So basically we've got a lot of niggas in Framingham. Lots and lots of niggas. But not too many niggers.

How come the blacks can easily call each others niggers, but for white people it's a racial slur? Who's the real racist here?

Why is it not considered racist for the blacks to call us white people honkeys or crackas?

Why is it called racist when we call them niggers or porch monkeys?

Why do jews call us gentile or goyim (human cattle), but it's anti-semitic if we call them kikes, hebes or hymies. What exactly does anti-semitic mean anyway?

A nigger is an African-American who we the taxpayers have paid some $200,000 to educate thru elementary, middle and high school and despite the fact that they have alledgely graduated, cannot read english very well, cannot write coherent english sentences and mostly cannot speak in such a way that most people can actually understand what they say. They have completely failed to adopt our culture as a society and feel more comfortable in their culture, whatever that may be.

NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley said that young black men who do well in school are accused of "acting white" by their peers. "One of the reasons we're never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person. And it's a dirty, dark secret." "We're the only ethnic group who say, 'Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.' It's just typical BS that goes on when you're black, man."

I recently listened to a short comedy video by Dave Chapelle saying that there are black people and there are niggars.

This short writeup is how niggars are made.

At the tender age of six or seven young blacks link speech patterns to race and intelligence. They already have a sophisticated awareness that as blacks, white sounding speech was not only to be avoided in their own speech, but to be mocked in the speech of others.

Black siblings and black friends will tease their own kind on white sounding speech (correct english). This creates the black sub-culture that rejects attitudes and behaviours that are conducive to academic success

Many blacks are unwilling to speak honestly about these cultural shortcomings. Most blacks prefer to have a vested interest in blaming black problems on white racism

Homicide is the leading cause of death for young black men in the US, and around 90 percent of the perpetrators are also black. That means 90 percent of deaths of young blacks are not caused by white police officers.

I have listened to many conversations in malls that I know were being spoken in english because I hear occasional english words, but I find myself unable to follow the trend of the conversation.

If you, a honky, are in mixed company (whites and niggas) and you're not sure whether you should use the word nigger, it's always best to consult with your nigger consulate and talk to your nigger representative before saying it.

Is there a point/milestone at which affirmative actions programs are supposed to end?

Why do white people own so many pets?
Because we're not allowed to own people anymore.

What do you call an elevator full of white people?
A box of crackers.

What do you call a white guy who's beating someone in the street?

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com