Paying tribute to law enforcement officers May 15, 2021
Nicole Doak Metrowest Daily News
In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed the calendar week of May 15 as National Police Week in honor of America's law enforcement community. National Police Week pays tribute to law enforcement officers who have lost their lives or who have been disabled in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others. Flags fly at half-staff in memory of those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and services honoring the fallen are conducted across the country.

National Police Week also pays special tribute to officers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. In addition to recognition in their own communities, Officer of the Month Award recipients are honored at a special awards and are featured in the Memorial Fund's annual calendar.

During this week, the Framingham Police Department recognizes its own men and women who have performed outstanding work in our community. Department awards are handed out, honoring local officers who exemplify dedication to the job and community.

In honor of National Police Week, the Police Advisory Committee invites community members to acknowledge local officers who have served our community well. Submit a letter to Chief Lester Baker or Deputy Chief Sean Riley at 1 William H Welch Way, Framingham, MA 01702. Email Chief Baker at or Deputy Chief Riley at Or simply tell a member of the Framingham Police Department, ""Thanks for what you do... Stay safe."

Nicole Doak, Chair, Framingham Police Advisory Committee

When you see obese people, you may correctly infer they may have multiple personalities.... such as

  • Duncan Hines,
  • Betty Crocker,
  • the Pillsbury Doughboy,
  • Hagen and Daz,
  • Sara Lee,
  • Dunkin Donuts,
  • amongst others....

This Sasquatchian beast might be an ugly, useless, lazy Opraholic watching, bon-bon eating, tacky chocolate snarfing couch potato.

The good news?....
When the aliens land, they'll eat the fat people first.

I was horrifed by Nicole Doak's letter. "Paying tribute to law enforcement officers". What is a representative of the city of Framingham doing promoting the police department? How much did the police unions pay her to say that? What exactly is her relationship and even family history with the police department? Can the city financially audit her to see if any monies came in from Scott Brown's FPSO union?

Can we have a small memorial in front of the police station honoring those that died protecting the right of the police to shoot us.

A picture of Eurie Stamps, Sr with a bullet hole thru his neck would be a nice touch. Right next to it, another memorial for officer Paul Duncan, with his picture and the caption "Proudly Serving The Community....until retirement".

I believe the issue of Brian Simoneau has been resolved. Next issue is Steven Casey.

As long as Paul Duncan and Steven Casey are employed by the FPD, they stand as beacons of darkness and a tribute to the job of police officers.

Former police chief Carl said the Framingham police get 20 hours of training a year on sidearms, while the state only requires 8 hours. I guess 12 more hours might improve your aim.

It takes 8 years post High School education to "practice law". but only six months of police academy to "enforce the law".

The best chilling advice you can get from a lawyer on police contacts?

"DO NOT EVER disobey a direct order from a police officer. You cannot win in court if you are dead."

Even that advice did not save Eurie Stamps, Sr.

Community policing is not doing something with the community or even for the community, rather it is something the police do to the community.

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